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The Wishlist Tracker

The Wishlist Tracker

Dream It. Track It. Achieve It. Your Journey to Turning Desires into Reality!

Get it now for $5

Effortlessly manage, categorize, and prioritize your desires with an intuitive interface that simplifies the path from dreaming to achieving.

Key Features:

Basic Version

  • Wishlist Management: Efficiently organize and track all your desires in one central hub.

  • Wishlist Tags Management: Categorize wishes using tags for a structured approach.

  • Quick Add Panel: Easily add new wishes with a convenient quick-add panel.

  • Filter by Price, Sort by Price, and Priority: Tailor your wishlist based on price, sort preferences, and priority.

Pro Version

  • Everything in Basic Version

  • Filter by Tag: Instantly filter wishes by tag with just a single click.

  • Comparison Interface: Make informed decisions with a comparison interface to weigh the pros and cons of each desire.

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