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Notion Book Tracker

Notion Book Tracker

The Notion Book Tracker simplifies your life by effortlessly keeping track of your books and organising them just like your personal library.

Get it now for Free

Embark on a pleasant reading journey with the Book Tracker Notion template.

Are you often lost among all the books you have read or wish to read?

The Book Tracker will make your life easier! Use this template to easily track your books and organise them like your own library.

Embark on an easy reading journey by tracking your books.

Create books using the convenient "New Book" button, keep track of them, and get a summary of your reading statistics.

Organise your books and make it your own library.

Create your own library by organising your books into genres and rating them to easily find your favorite ones.

What's included?

  • a space to keep track of your books and get an overview of your reading stats

  • a space to sort them by genres and by rating

  • + a free guide to fully catch the template features

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