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Habit Tracker 101

Habit Tracker 101

A habit tracker to transform your life. Improve your habit tracking in a way you've never thought possible with this mobile friendly tracker made with love in Notion.

Get it now for Free

Benefits Of Habit Tracking
"What is not measured cannot be improved". Our Habit Tracker template on Notion is your ultimate tool for cultivating positive habits and boosting productivity. With its intuitive design and customizable features, you can seamlessly integrate it into your daily routine to stay organized, focused, and motivated. Whether you're aiming to exercise more, read regularly, or improve your work habits, this template empowers you to track your progress, celebrate your successes, and make meaningful strides towards your goals.

What's included?

  • Your own personal habit tracker

  • Navigation panel to easily access it through mobile phone

  • Quick button to easily check all the habit

  • A Trend graph widget to better visualize your habit progress

  • A calendar view to look at larger view of your daily progress

  • An automated added daily page with journaling template

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