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Client Time Tracker | Notion Template

Client Time Tracker | Notion Template

A Simple System That Makes Tracking Client Time Or Tasks Effortless

Get it now for Free

Check Out This Notion Client Time Tracker For A Simple System That Makes Tracking Client Time Or Tasks Effortless

What's included?

💨 Quick-Action Buttons:

Quickly track time spent on client work using the quick action buttons.

📊 Stats:

See your total and weekly hours and income per client.

Manage Log Easily:

Easily remove the time log once you've invoiced the time or want to start a new period.

💵 Add Hourly Rate:

The option to put an hourly rate so you can see your income/charge for your time.

👥 Unlimited Number Of Clients Or Tasks:

Be able to add any number of tasks or clients into the tracker.

Download for free today!

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