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Workout Planner

Workout Planner

You'll get easy to use Notion template which will help you upgrade your workouts, track your progress & reach your desired results.

Get it now for Free

Track your workouts like a pro

You'll have everything you need to take your fitness journey to the next level. Stay motivated, stay accountable, and unlock your full potential with this powerful tool at your fingertips.

Whether you're a beginner looking to establish healthy habits or an experienced athlete striving for peak performance, this template is your ultimate companion for success.

There are 2 versions you can choose from.


  • Weekly Workout Planner

  • Exercise Database

  • Muscle Groups


  • Everything included in Basic, plus:

  • Weight Tracker

  • Meal Planner

  • Workout History

  • Muscle Groups with Visuals

  • Quick Action Buttons

  • Grocery Shopping List

Get ready to crush your fitness goals and transform your body and mind like never before!

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