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Travel Planner

Travel Planner

Want to travel smarter and feel fulfilled after each journey? Then this template is for you: Create detailed itineraries, track visited countries, prepare packing list and set budget for your trips

Get it now for $8

Want to travel smarter and feel fulfilled after each journey? Then this template is for you: Create detailed itineraries, track visited countries, prepare packing list and set budget for your trips

What to expect:

  1. πŸ—ΊοΈ Trip Planning Made Easy:

    • Create detailed itineraries with dates, activities, and notes.

    • Customize your trips to fit your unique travel style.

  2. πŸŒ† Explore:

    • Track the number of countries and cities you've visited this year and in total.

  3. πŸ“œ Bucket List:

    • Create a personalized bucket list of destinations and experiences.

  4. 🧳 Packing List:

    • Check off items as you pack and stay organised for every adventure.

  5. πŸ“ Live Notes for Must-See Spots:

    • Create notes for each city you plan to visit.

  6. πŸ“† Yearly Travel Overview:

    • Get an at-a-glance view of your year in travel.

  7. πŸ’° Budget planner:

    • Set your budget and plan your itinerary accordingly

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