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Notion Startup Job Board

Notion Startup Job Board

Careers page + automated application system

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Get it now for $165

The all-in-one solution to attract the best talents

The Startup Job Board Notion Template is the perfect solution for businesses looking to streamline their hiring process. This template includes an automated application system that allows candidates to easily submit their resumes and cover letters, and for recruiters to efficiently manage and organize all applications in one place.

Customize your careers page to match your brand's look and feel, and showcase all of your available job opportunities. You can also include a company overview, job descriptions, compensation, and any other relevant information that candidates may need to know before applying.


  • Beautiful careers page website with mission statement, meet the team, benefits, etc.

  • Post an unlimited amount of jobs

  • Job description template

  • Automated application form

  • Manage all applications in your Notion backend

The automated application system enables candidates to easily apply for any job opening by filling out a simple form, on your website. Once submitted, their application will be automatically added to the Notion backend, where recruiters can efficiently sort and filter applications based on various criteria, then follow the hiring process.

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