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Scrum Master Toolbox

Scrum Master Toolbox

Manage all important information related to your teams and team members in one place. Comprehensive template for having a complete overview of what your teams and people are working on.

Get it now for $39

Key Features

  • Automated buttons to create new items in the databases

  • Perfectly designed modules to have all important information at your fingertips

  • Interconnected modules to work effectively with the template

  • Different views in each module so you can focus on the information you need at the moment

  • Meeting templates to create the meeting notes you need in seconds


  • Teams module

    • Keep track of all your teams and view all the important information related to each team.

  • People module

    • Add team members to your teams and keep track of their tasks, meetings and risks they are working on.

  • Meetings module

    • 7 prepared templates for team and one-on-one meetings

    • Team Meeting, Standup, 1:1, two types of Retrospectives, Ad Hoc Meeting, Event

  • Events module

    • See all your meetings and events in dedicated calendar views accessible from the dashboard or team page.

  • Tasks module

    • Integrated task manager - keep track of all tasks assigned to your teams and team members.

  • Risk Register

    • Resolve risks before they become problems. Use the Mitigations sub-module to track the tasks that lead to risk resolution.

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