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Home Notion Templates Personal
Personal Home - All-in-One Notion Daily Planner

Personal Home - All-in-One Notion Daily Planner

This all-in-one template empowers you to set and achieve your goals, prioritize self-care, plan effectively, and manage your finances...

Get it now for $5.99

Want to improve your life and work in day-to-day life?

This product is for you to improve your life. You'll get combine of these templates:

  1. Workspace: create an efficient work environment, helping you manage your tasks seamlessly and tracking your workload.

  2. Life Planner: set goals in year, monthly, weekly planner and achieve your goals, manage your finances...

  3. Habit Tracker: help you establish and maintain your habits with automation creating tracking tasks.

  4. Finance Plan

  5. Self - care

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