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Notion Subscription Tracker

Notion Subscription Tracker

The Notion Subscription Tracker will help you effortlessly manage your subscriptions and never miss a renewal or cancellation again.

Get it now for Free

Effortlessly manage your subscriptions thanks to the Subscription Tracker Notion template.

Do you struggle to keep track of your upcoming subscription renewals?

The Subscription Tracker is here to help! Use this template to effortlessly manage your subscriptions and never miss a renewal or cancellation again.

Stay aware of your upcoming subscription payments.

Create subscriptions using the convenient "New Subscription" button and keep track of them to never forget to renew or cancel them.

Gain an overview of your costs and adjust your budget.

Enhance your budget by organising your subscriptions into categories and gaining a clear overview of your monthly and yearly expenses.

What's included?

  • a space to keep track of your subscriptions and next renewals

  • a space to categorize them and get a clear overview of your spending

  • + A free guide to fully catch the template features

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